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Both Team and Enterprise users can build their own teams/enterprises.

Members of different roles in the team/enterprise have different permissions:

  • The Administrator: view and manage all the contents of the team except for deleting TMs and TBs.
  • The Project Manager: view and manage projects; view TMs and TBs but cannotdelete them; view the Team Management and take actions in it.
  • The Assets Manager: view, translate and edit tasks assigned by the team; view TMs and TBs except for delete operations; cannot view or take actions in the Team Management.
  • Team members (Translators & Editors): view, transtlate, review tasks assigned by the team; cannot view the Projects Management; cannot manage TMs or TBs; cannot view or take actions in the Team Management.

Note: All roles except the owner (the team/enterprise creator) do not have the permission to export/delete TMs or TBs.


Projects Management

TM Management

TB Management



Project Manager

Viewable but not Operational

Viewable but not Operational

Assets Manager



Linguists (Translators & Editors)


Viewable but not Operational

Viewable but not Operational


In team/enterprise members management, users can:

1). invite existing members of YiCAT to join their teams/enterprises, and enterprise users can also create sub-accounts;

2). delete existing members of the team/enterprise;

3). modify the name or role of existing members;

4). view a specific member/type of members by filters.