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Click Settings under Team in the left navigation bar of YiCAT to view the following:

  1. Settings;
  2. Preference;
  3. Company Info.


Click Settings and the Settings interface will appear by default where an enterprise can set the daily spending limit on MT. Enter the amount in the text box and click Save, and the message "Change successfully" will pop up in the upper right corner of the page. Once all set up, MT will not be applied if exceeding the limit.



1. After clicking Settings - Preference, you can upload your exclusive Company Logo and the Sign-in page picture, and then click Save. The message "Change successfully" will appear in the upper right corner of the interface.


2. Once the change is saved, the Sign-In interface will be automatically updated to the customized version next time you sign in.



  1. Upload a .jpg or .png file under 5MB with 200 x 68 resolution for your company logo.
  2. Upload a .jpg or .png file under 5MB with 1920 x 1080 resolution for your Sign-in page picture.

Company Info

Click Settings - Company Info to view the current Company name, Domain name and the Suffix of the sub-account.

If any of the three items needs to be modified, enter new content in the corresponding text box and then click Apply. The modification needs to be reviewed. Please be patient.


Under review: no modification is allowed while the account is under review.
