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Collaborative Translation

In YiCAT, multiple translators and editors can edit the same file at the same time in the editor.

Translators and editors can see each other's target texts and share TMs and TBs of the project to ensure efficiency and consistency of language style.

During collaborative translation mode, translators in charge of the same file can work in the Editor at the same time. All translators can see the full text, which ensures the access to enough context. A translator can only edit segments assigned to him/her. Segments assigned to others are in grey background and can not be translated. Meanwhile, the number of completed segments displayed in the lower left corner of the interface only shows the completion status of the translator's own task.

Real-time Collaborative Synchronization

When multiple translators and editors work on the same file at the same time, each of them can see the editing done by others in real time.

Editors can also start editing right after translators conform the segments.

Note: Only after translators confirm the segments can editors start editing. Once confirmed by editors, the segments can no longer be edited by translators.